New:Team SoftWare, Inc.  707-258-8086
Volume 2016 Issue 1
NTS President Bjarne Winkler
This month's topic is migration. If you have never done one before, you may think how hard can this be. Just move one document at a time and continue till you are done.

Well, after taking inventory, you discover that you have a two gigabyte database of index information with millions of records.

Then, you start looking at the stored document. If you have millions of record in the index database, you will most likely have millions of files. If documents are stored as single pages, then that number can easily be 10 to 1000 times larger.

So, your stored data takes up several terabytes. This means that you will need at a minimum double the amount of disk space just to do a one-to-one migration.

But wait, you just don't start doing this without first having done it on a test system. Some migration sites even have a developer system where all the setup, coding and changes take place.

Then, when everything is working on the development system, it is time to move to the test system. On the test system, a 1% test is performed. If that is successful, then the 10% test takes place.

First, after a 10% successful test has taken place, you can move to the production system.

The good news with the 10% test is that not only do you know that this is working, but you also have a great idea how long it will take to do the full migration.

Sometimes you need to do the migration on an active system. This means that you need to be tracking what has been updated after the first production migration. You may do one more migrations of new or updated documents before locking down the active system and then do the final migration of the last new or updated documents.

Complicated? Yes, but we can help!

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Converting from one ECM system to another is not as simple as someone would think.

The main rule is to ensure Check & Balance for what you have and what you are ending up with. It is not about what goes right, but ensure to have contingency for things that goes wrong.

"Check & Balance"

If this is done right, then there will be several check points. This way, not only is it clear what will happen, but also if something fails and then where it failed.

Before exporting out from the original system, be sure of a couple of things: Index values and readability of the stored document files.

Index values are important, so you want to avoid bringing incorrect or badly formatted index data from one system to the other. This is a perfect time to remove bad data, or better, correct bad data.

Cleaning up index values may also be needed since bad data may not be accepted in the new system; hence, import will fail.

Somewhere before importing, there may be a need for mapping of index data. This can be as simple as just assigning source field names to destination field names. Or, it can be a major job, where external data is mapped to the exported index information before imported into the new system.

After importing into the new destination system, a final inventory is taken. The math is simple; the new inventory should be equal to the first inventory minus the recorded information of documents that could not be read, cleaned up or not accepted by the new system.

On a test system, do a 1% migration and you will learn what to do in production. Before switching over to production system, do a 10% migration on the test system. If that goes without a hitch, then not only do you have benchmark information for the migration, but you also know that you can safely move to production and perform a successful migration.

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