New:Team SoftWare, Inc.  415.461.8086
Volume 2018 Issue 1
NTS President Bjarne Winkler
What and where to use Workflow?

Workflow solutions fall into three general categories: Information Notification, Information Collection, and Business Processing.

When most people do word association with the word "Workflow" then they think "Business Processing", but that is not the full story. There are more workflows installed today that fall into the two first groups; Notification and Collection.

Information Notification workflows are similar to the old routing systems. The difference here is that the workflow can per index information and readers added notes, control who should be notified about this new document or excluded to minimize input overload.

Information Collection workflows are requesting selective readers input in form of additional information that supports the documents content to build knowledge base system.

Business Processing workflow, like account payables are many times the reason that a company invests in workflow. The reason is simple, it deals with the economy of the company and the ROI can easily be measured.

What many times are missing in a workflow installation is the ongoing analytic review of where the bottlenecks are in the flow.

Like maintenance of an ECM system is important, so is the analytic assessment of a workflows daily work. Knowledge about who is overworked and who is underwork can be a bigger part of the long-term ROI for a company.

NTS invites you to get involved in workflow. We have access to professional workflow analysts that can help you map out the perfect solution for the workflow that will be most efficient since workflow is not a cookie-cutter solution.

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Welcome to 2018! Can we ask how are your New Year's Resolutions going? We hope well.

This year NTS New Year's Resolution is that we will concentrate more on Workflow and utilities around creating and monitoring workflows.

In the past we have talked up a storm regarding Automation of ECM system. How you get information into ECM, and how to integrate the request for documents from a main application that is not the ECM itself.

Last year we focused on Maintenance of ECM. Like with a house or a boat, maintenance is needed to keep it "afloat" and its "values". The better the maintenance is, the higher the value of the ECM system is.

Spotlights on Workflow

This year we want to put some spotlights on Workflow. Workflow is the next step in turning the old archival document thinking into something that is a lot more active.

Workflow is a natural progression for a client that has already invested in the basic ECM system. The ROI in going from a current ECM system to Workflow can easily be in the same scale as going from a paper environment with filing cabinets to an ECM system.

Workflows come in general in three varieties (see sidebar) that will make documents a larger part of your daily business.

Since documents content is knowledge, and using the documents, document history, can give an insight to many interesting things, workflow have finally matured to a level where it can give a company the edge.

So, let's make 2018 the year that YOU get involved in releasing the power of Workflow.

For more information on NTS see

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